Privacy Policy

iMuslim Life is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with relevant laws regarding information protection and privacy. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand what information is collected when you use our products and services, and how we process and use it. If you have additional questions after reading this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the email address listed at the end of this document.

The details include:

1. The types of information we collect

2. How your information is used

3. How your information is shared

4. Third party service providers

5. Security and safety

6、Data Transfer

7、Data Retention

8、Your rights

9、Privacy of minors/children

10、'Privacy in California

11、How to manage your personal information according to GDPR

12、Update of privacy policy

13、Contact us

14、The types of information we collect

When you use our products and services, we may collect the following types of information.

Account information: If you create an account on our application, you may be required to provide your country or region, email address, password, date of birth, gender, height, weight. You may also choose to provide additional information, such as a nickname, weight goal, step goal, and avatar photo.

Exercise health related information:such as steps, distance, speed, exercise time, calories, sleep time, heart rate, stress, blood oxygen saturation, walking time, moderate to high intensity exercise, exercise type, detailed exercise records for each exercise type, medals (we will give you the appropriate virtual medals based on your exercise), etc.

Location information: GPS location information is used when you use certain location-based services, such as starting outdoor sports mode, checking the weather, and selecting your area. If you do not allow us to call the GPS function of your phone, we will not collect this information.

Device and application information: When you use our devices and applications, we will obtain your device and application information, such as user configuration data, device MAC address, device version number, serial number, firmware version, language, app version, phone system version, device configuration, IP address, network type, device identification and other information.

Service information:When you use various functions of iMuslim Life device and application, you can submit some service information. For example, reminder settings or. If you use the female cycle reminder feature, we may collect the information you provide about your cycle, ovulation, etc.; If you use the call reminder feature, we may read your call status and address book, IMEI information, but we do not store your communication information, IMEI information; When you use the message notification feature, we may access the message notification status of third party applications. If you use the music control function, we may read the music switch information, such as song play, song status, but we do not store this information. If you use our alarm function, we may need to call your phone's built-in clock function.

Feedback: If you have any questions or suggestions about our products and services, you can give us feedback through "My>Questions and Suggestions". Through this feature, we will collect the feedback you send us, as well as your contact information (if you provide it), which will be used to allow us to better understand the problem you are experiencing and to contact you. During the feedback process, we may access your phone's camera, photo album, etc. if you agree.

Log information: If you use our devices or applications, we collect some usage data, such as creating or logging into your account, pairing your account with your device, number of device reboots, network usage information, system errors, system crashes, system reboots, system upgrades, etc. Your latest log information within 7 days will be automatically stored locally on your phone, and old log information will be deleted automatically. We will not actively collect your log information unless you choose to upload your log information to our server through "My>Questions and Suggestions".

Visitor Information: When using the visitor feature (for those who are not registered or logged in), visitors can experience our products and certain limited services. The visitor's personal data (nickname, gender, height, weight, date of birth, sports health data, etc.) will be stored locally on your phone and will not be uploaded to our servers.

Payment Information: If you purchase products and/or services within the iMuslim Life application (e.g. Dial Marketplace service), you may be required to provide your bank account information, but such information and transaction information is collected and processed by a third party payment service provider, and we may collect summary information about the transaction, such as order information, but we do not collect or store your bank account information.

Other Information: We may also collect other types of information that is not directly or indirectly linked to an individual, but is aggregated, anonymized or de-identified.

15. How we use your information

We may use the information we collect for the following purposes:

To provide, process, maintain, improve and develop our goods and/or services for you, including parts of after-sales, customer support and services on your equipment;

To communicate with you, and we may use your information as necessary to send you service notifications and to respond to you when you contact us; to store and maintain your information in accordance with our service offerings or legal obligations;

To provide limited services to you without communicating with our servers.

Use of Non-Personal Data

We collect log information that does not involve personal data, such as error codes for device (reboot) hardware problems, error codes and logs for device reboots, logs for Bluetooth connectivity of applications, anonymized user's device and application usage (if you opt-in), and other information for overall analysis to fix errors, monitor usage, and optimize our services.

16、How to share your information

Except with your consent, we promise not to sell your personal information to any other third party for any purpose. We will seek your explicit consent to share any personal data and sensitive personal data. We will not disclose or transfer your personal information to any unaffiliated third party unless:

In response to your request, for example, if you authorize the sharing of your personal information to a third party device or platform, we will share your information, such as steps, distance, height, weight, heart rate, calories, and other exercise data, with the third party at your request.

Please read the privacy policies of these third party devices or platforms, as your activities on the third party devices or platforms will no longer be governed by this privacy agreement;

To enforce our policies or contracts;

As required by law;

We may share your personal information in the following circumstances:

(a) With service providers: We may share your personal information with service providers to monitor and analyze our use of the Services, for example, to contact you after you visit our Services to process a payment on a third-party website.

(b) With Business Partners: We may share your information with our business partners in order to provide certain products and services to you.

17. Third Party Service Providers

We may engage third parties to help us implement iMuslim Life's services, and you may choose whether to use third party services. When you choose to use a third party service, the third party may collect information from you. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to take the time to read the privacy policy of the third party providing the service, just as you would read our policy. We are not responsible for how third parties use the personal information they collect from you, nor can we control their use. Service providers have access to your personal data only to implement iMuslim Life services on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose:

Map Service Providers

iMuslim Life service, the service provider that supports the function of users to obtain outdoor single exercise track is: Gaode Information Technology Co. When you use the service, we will collect your geographic information and provide your location information to the map service provider, please refer to the privacy policy of the corresponding map service provider for the collection and processing of the data. You can turn off your phone's GPS to stop the collection of geographic information. We will conduct strict testing of access to third-party SDKs and provide you with a timely and open explanation of the latest situation of access to the SDKs. Please refer to the official privacy policy of the third-party SDKs.

SDK name: Gaode map sdk

Purpose of use: Get the user's current GPS positioning information, then send it to the server to get the weather data of the place and push it to the watch

Usage: After the app is connected to the watch, it will call the sdk interface of Gaode Map once to get the current latitude and longitude

Collecting personal data type: The app does not save the location information after getting it, it is only used to get the current weather data

Third party SDK privacy policy:

Weather Push Service Provider

If your device supports the weather push function, your location information will be sent locally to the weather service provider (IBM) to get the weather information of your area. You can stop this sharing at any time by turning off the weather push feature in "Device > More > Weather Push". Your personal information is anonymized and will not be used to identify or locate you personally.

Cloud Storage Providers

The cloud storage providers for the iMuslim Life service are, Inc. ( Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL or Amazon WebServices, lnc.) and AliCloud, Inc. When you choose to store your data in the cloud, your personal data is uploaded to the servers of Amazon or AliCloud. Please refer to the privacy policies of Amazon and AliCloud for specific data storage information.

Payment Providers

We may offer paid products and/or services within the iMuslim Life application. In such cases, we may use a third-party service provider for payment processing (e.g., a payment processor). We do not store or collect your payment details. Your payment information is provided directly to our third-party payment service providers, whose use of your personal information is governed by their privacy policies.

18. Protection Measures

We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information and we will take all practicable steps to protect your personal information, including encryption, authentication tools, and secure servers. In order to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we will take reasonable administrative, technical and physical protection measures and make every reasonable effort to protect your personal information. However, you should be aware that we cannot guarantee 100% the security or confidentiality of the information you provide to us.

19. Data Transfer

Currently, iMuslim Life leases servers provided by Amazon around the world and Ali cloud servers. Generally, data of local residents is only stored in the servers in the local jurisdiction and will not be transferred across the border. With your consent, we may transfer your data across borders in accordance with applicable laws. We will also take appropriate protective measures to ensure that all transfers comply with the requirements of your applicable local data protection laws. You will have the right to be informed of the appropriate protective measures taken by iMuslim Life for the transfer of your personal information.

20. Data Retention

If you use our products and services, we may collect and store information about you. We may keep storing your information for as long as you keep your account. However, once you cancel your account or make a request for deletion, we will delete or anonymize your information as soon as possible and no later than 90 days after the date of your deletion request.

21. Your Rights

iMuslim Life is committed to respecting the confidentiality of your personal information and to ensuring that you can exercise your rights. In accordance with this Privacy Policy and related legal requirements, you have the right to:

Request access to your personal information. The right to access your information held by us. You can access your personal information directly from the "My>Profile" section of the application. If you are unable to do this yourself, please contact us using the contact details below. Upon your request, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information collected and processed by us free of charge. If there are any other requests for the same information, we may charge a reasonable fee for the same in accordance with applicable law and actual costs.

Requesting Correction of Personal Information We Hold About You. You have the right to request that we correct any incomplete or inaccurate information that we hold about you. You can also correct your personal information directly in the application under "My>Profile".

Object to the processing of your personal information. You have the right to opt out of certain uses and disclosures of your personal information. If you have consented to the processing of your personal information or sensitive personal information by iMuslim Life devices and applications, you may withdraw that consent at any time and further process it by contacting iMuslim Life. In order to provide our services to you, we will ask you to provide the personal information necessary to provide you with those services. If you do not provide us with your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

Requesting deletion of your personal information. You have the right to request that we delete personal information if we have no good reason to continue processing it. Also, you can delete or permanently anonymize the corresponding data by logging out of your account, erasing personal data on the cloud, etc.

Requests for transfer of your personal information. Where technically possible, we will provide your personal information to you or a third party of your choice in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format. Please note that this right only applies to information that you originally consented to our use or that we have collected for the performance of a contract.

Withdrawal of Your Consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain specific features of the Services. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect any previous processing activities of personal information based on your authorization.

You may change the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting your personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting the device, disconnecting the device from the application, restoring the device to factory settings, erasing personal data from the cloud, turning off data management synchronization, logging out of your account.

22. Privacy of Minors/Children

Our products and services are not intended for children under the age of 16 (or under 13 in some jurisdictions). iMuslim Life does not and does not intend to receive any personal information from minors. If we learn that we have collected any personal information from a child under the age of 16 (and in some jurisdictions under the age of 13), with or without parental permission, we will take immediate steps to delete such information and terminate the minor's account.

California Business and Professions Code Section 22581 allows California residents (registered users of online websites, services or applications) under the age of 18 to request and receive deletion of their publicly posted content or information. To request deletion of such data, and if you are a California resident, you may contact us using the contact information provided below and provide the email address associated with your account. Please note that your request does not guarantee complete deletion of content or information posted online, and in some cases deletion may not be permitted or required by law.

23. California's Privacy Rights

California law allows California resident users to request and obtain from us, once a year and without charge, a list of third parties to whom we have disclosed their personal information (if any) for direct marketing purposes in the previous year and the types of personal information disclosed to those parties. iMuslim Life does not share personal information with third parties for its own marketing purposes.

24. Ways to manage your personal information under the GDPR

If you are an EU user under the GDPR, you can contact us at 联系我们来管理您的个人信息

In addition, you have the right to file a complaint with our regulator under the GDPR.

25. Update of Privacy Policy

We review our privacy policy periodically and may update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our information practices. You understand and agree that if you use a product or service after an updated privacy policy is posted, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated privacy policy. If at any time you do not agree with any part of the Privacy Policy, then you must immediately stop using the Products and Services.

26. Contact Us

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or any questions related to iMuslim Life's collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, or if you believe that your rights under this Privacy Policy are not fully protected, please contact us at:


Thank you for taking the time to learn about our Privacy Policy!

Effective Date:01/01/2021